Title Page – with course number
Abstract – purpose of paper – To discuss whether the Book of Kells is Art or Design? – 100 words
1st Section – Historical background on Book of Kells – 300 words
The Book of Kells, one of Ireland’s great treasures is also a European cultural icon, and is among our top ten tourist attractions
The Book of Kells, one of great treasures of medieval Europe, is an illuminated manuscript Gospel book in Latin, containing four Gospels of New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) together with various prefatory texts and tables. It was created by Celtic monks some time around 800 AD. It is a masterwork of Western calligraphy, employing decoration that is not only extraordinarily rich and colorful but also, in places, deeply enigmatic. It is widely regarded as Ireland’s finest national treasure. The Book is on permanent display at Trinity College Library in Dublin. The library usually displays two of current four volumes at a time, one showing a major illustration and other showing typical text pages.”
2nd Section – What was the Book of Kells’ purpose? – 500 words
3rd Section – Using Hume and Kant show how the Book of Kells was either Art or Design – 400 words
Conclusion – Your personal opinion from your observations and research – 200 words
Draft Due Date September 27, 2022
Final Paper Due Date October 6, 2022